As construction on the scheme continues to progress, Heath Mill Lane has been closed at its junction with Digbeth High Street. This is to allow essential upgrades and diversions of utilities in the area get underway. A lane closure is also in place on Digbeth High Street, between Moat Lane and Rea Street, to enable the installation of a section of track and new kerblines.
The road changes are anticipated to be in place until Friday 21 October when construction in this area is expected to be completed. A clearly signed diversion route is in place via Bradford Street, Rea Street and Digbeth High Street for all vehicles leaving the city. Pedestrian access to Heath Mill Lane will continue to be maintained at all times. The team have implemented measures to reduce noise and dust levels during the work, including the installation of sound cancelling blankets. Hamish Falconer, Construction Manager, said: “The upgrading and diversion of utilities is a key part of the construction process. In order to carry out these works as safe as possible for our staff and the public the closure of Heath Mill Lane is required. We appreciate that this may cause some inconvenience for those living, working and visiting the area and we will work to minimise this wherever possible.”
Construction activity recommences following the successful Commonwealth Games event Work has resumed along Lower Bull Street and Corporation Street following a brief pause in activity while the Commonwealth Games were being held. The site boundaries were removed last month and temporary asphalt laid in areas to allow pedestrians and the many visitors to the city enjoy the area during the sporting event. All fencing in the area has now been reinstalled and the construction team have returned to site to continue with activity including the installation of planters. Some pedestrian diversions that were in place before the Commonwealth Games have also been reinstated. Localised and discreet works continued along Digbeth High Street during the Games while more impactful activity, including the installation of paving, have resumed this month.
Digbeth information session a success
Residents and businesses got a chance to meet the team and find out more about the scheme during an information session. The stakeholder engagement event, organised by our dedicated Stakeholder Liaison Officer for the route, Shervorne Brown, was an opportunity for those living and working in the area to learn about upcoming activity in Digbeth. Held at Zellig, representatives from Birmingham City Council were also on hand to provide an update on the public realm works, which are part of the city council and the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership’s masterplan to regenerate the area. Shervorne said: “The event was a fantastic opportunity for people to ask questions and find out more about the project. Now that construction activity has resumed following the Games, it’s important for us to keep stakeholders informed along the way; and what better way to do it than face-to-face while all in the same room. We had a great turn out and it was fantastic to meet so many new people.
I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came and to Zellig for providing the space to host the session.” If you were unable to attend and would like to find out more, you can view a frequently asked questions document on the extension and forthcoming activity at Health Mill Lane, here: metroalliance.co.uk/projects/birmingham-eastside extension